height: 178CM

Weight: 62KG

Horoscope: Gemini


Blood type: O

Likes: cats

dislikes: TOmatoeS

Breaking Boundaries: A Global Music Icon

KIRE, a singer, music producer, and entrepreneur from Taiwan, has taken the global music scene by storm with his genre-defying creativity and captivating stage presence. One of his standout tracks, "don't stop", has surpassed millions of views on Instagram. In 2024, KIRE made history as the first Taiwanese artist to perform at London’s iconic Hyde Park. Opening for Stray Kids, he showcased his powerful musical energy to an audience of 50,000, delivering a stunning performance that left the crowd in awe.

His world tour has taken him to Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, New York, Los Angeles, Austin, and other cities, where he performed to sold-out venues and received enthusiastic responses. In December 2024, he will conclude his tour with a finale in London and return to Taipei in February 2025 for an exclusive concert, promising fans even more surprises and unforgettable experiences.

Beyond his incredible stage performances, KIRE has demonstrated remarkable influence on social media, amassing over 500,000 followers in a short time.

KIRE is not just a musician but a dreamer who touches hearts with his authenticity, creativity, and music. Each step he takes highlights Taiwan’s limitless potential while breaking boundaries and spreading boundless charm through his artistry. With more challenges and creations on the horizon, KIRE’s international journey is only just beginning.
KIRE,來自台灣的歌手、音樂製作人與企業家,以獨樹一幟的創作風格和震撼心靈的舞台魅力,迅速成為全球樂壇的耀眼新星。他的代表作之一《don't stop》在 Instagram 上突破百萬次觀看。2024 年,KIRE 創下歷史,成為首位登上英國海德公園舞台的台灣歌手。為 Stray Kids 擔任開場的他,在 5 萬名觀眾前綻放無與倫比的音樂能量,華麗的演出征服了全場。
KIRE 的世界巡演足跡遍布香港、新加坡、馬來西亞、紐約、洛杉磯、奧斯汀等多個城市,每場演出皆座無虛席,反響熱烈。他將於 2024 年 12 月在倫敦獻上巡演壓軸場,隨後於 2025 年 2 月回到台北舉辦專屬音樂會,承諾為粉絲帶來更多驚喜與感動。
除了舞台上的精彩表現,KIRE 在社群媒體上的影響力同樣令人驚豔。他在短時間內累積了超過 50 萬名追隨者,成為眾多粉絲的焦點。
KIRE 不僅是一位音樂人,更是一位以音樂、真誠與創意觸動人心的夢想家。他的每一步,都展現了台灣的無限潛力;他的每一次創作,都在突破界限,傳遞無盡的魅力。隨著更多挑戰與作品的到來,KIRE 的國際旅程才剛剛開始,未來值得期待!